Types of Adversity and how to overcome them

While we are not defined by adversity, the way that we handle moving through the adversity can.  Types of adversity you may face? Surely, that list would be very long?  Given that everyone goes through adversity in their life and it can be something small or rather...

Release it and let it go

When I hear the word RELEASE, I think about the  Serenity Prayer - written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. The common version is; “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the...

Mindset – the link to everything you do

It’s all about mindset. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you put your head down to rest at night, everything is up to you. Your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions, every moment is dependent on your mindset.MindsetA word...

The Power of Acceptable Behaviour

I find it very interesting that when a woman takes charge and assumes control or responsibility in a situation, many people will refer to her as “bossy”. If a man responds in exactly the same manner, to the same situation, the same people will refer to him...

Are Women better Entrepreneurs than Men?

Just the question alone may get people's hackles up.  Who are we to ask such a question?  Do people still have these misogynistic beliefs?Sure, we have come a long way, and having a woman leading a business on a big scale is not unheard of?Yet, the...

Is Burnout burning your business?

The World Health Organisation has stated that burnout is a real problem, especially in the work environment. There are more and more employees falling ill or landing up in the hospital due to immense levels of stress which then leads to burnout.They went a...

Why you should be offering employee mentoring

Taking on a mentor is a very personal step.  Mentors normally come into our lives either by natural progression or by introduction specifically for the purpose of requiring some guidance. Employee mentoring is not so common but should be.Through the...

Why a Mentor is better than a friend or family member

We all need a willing ear, someone who will listen to what is heavy on our hearts and minds, and someone who will give some advice based on their life experiences. Most times, we choose a close friend or family member. But, a friend or family member may...

Wholeheartedness – are you moving through life with ease?

Somebody compared living wholeheartedly to the experience of a leaf in a river. Like flowing water, you can effortlessly adapt to any obstacle which is placed in your path, you can kick up a storm or just give up when you cannot control your experience....

Discover your Reason for Being

Are you leading a comfortable life but feel like there is something missing? Or, are you wondering how you ended up where you are now or perhaps wondering where you are heading? Do you know what your reason is for being? It may just be that you haven’t...

Get better at being you – a WorkPlace Focus

Recently, I embarked on an Emotional Intelligence (EQ) journey and discovered, that although I am a well-rounded person, there was lots of room for EQ growth and development.  I learned about the set of skills that are rooted in my emotions that could help...

Mindful Wellness is Possible

How can we describe Wellness? And how do we go about becoming more mindful of our own state of well-being?These are very broad topics but simply put: Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling...