Jade* was talking fast on the other end of the line.  I could hear she wanted to talk about all the things on her mind all at once. She wasn’t sure if I would be the right person to talk to as she had family and work issues.  She felt like there wasn’t enough time in the day.  She felt stressed.  I listened patiently, until her voice slowed down, and her tone calmed.

Jade* connected for 3 coaching sessions with me, as this was what her budget allowed. Even though a short-lived coaching arrangement, the environment allowed Jade* to voice all of her thoughts out loud and we worked as a team to unpack her priorities, dissolve her fears, and uncover her joys and strengths.  We were then able to move forward with a plan that worked for her.

The beauty of coaching unfolds in the present moment.  The past is addressed for its resources that have worked well, i.e. processes and people who have been there for you, and the future holds possibilities, purpose and potential.

Sometimes when you are looking for your spectacles, you find that they are on top of your head.  Similarly, a coach can be the one to direct you back to the awareness of where and why you do certain things in your life.

Continued stress and anxiety tips the scales of balance, and coaching brings homeostasis back into your world.  As an entrepreneur, you have to wear many hats, from business owner to bookkeeper, from marketer to boss, and everything in between.  Alongside this, you have to be a partner to someone, a parent to a child/children, and so on

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to walk this journey with you, always there when you have a need, no matter how big or small?

For your convenience, I include a toolkit, which serves as a list of reminders, to aid you in finding that work/life balance.

Toolbox Reminders for Work-Life Balance

  1. List what you are grateful for
  2. And then prioritise daily
  3. Everyone makes mistakes – that’s okay – just learn from those mistakes, forgive yourself and others, then move on
  4. Do not hammer your ideas into others. Be fair and firm in your resolve. Be kind in your treatment of staff and clients
  5. Have a healthy balance between work, family and friends. Try this short exercise: What percentage, out of 100, do you spend on work, what portion on family, what portion on friends, and what portion on self. Write this down as a visual tool.  Try to balance your time between these evenly.
  6. Things don’t always measure up. You have the ability to adjust as there is always a plan B
  7. Stick with it and you will be able to achieve anything!!

You can now connect with Karen via our Valueneurs™ platform .  Link through to read more on Karen in her bio page .

*Names have been changed for anonymity